I have been looking for you all over the net. There was just this uncontrolled urge to see you. I don't know the reason, but I just felt something needed some closure. The more futile attempts I had, the more I longed for you. I wanted, again, the feeling of your soft hands in mine, the soft touch of your loving embrace, your soulful eyes, and bring back the times we spent together. I thought it only happens in the books or the movies or some lousy soap opera, but it was both funny and scary when I uttered your name during a rupture of an intimate moment with somebody. Over the years, my longing for you did not wear off. Until one day, I looked up again, and saw your name. There was no way for me to confirm. You had neither a photo, nor details of your profile in the net. I saw that the last time you logged on was more than 6 months already, so there is a nil chance you might log in again. Still, I tried my luck. I wrot...
...where it tickles